Mūsų partneriai

Mūsų partneriai

Mūsų partneriai

Mūsų partneriai

Ann Marie hp

21 July 2020

HP is committed to helping young people acquire the digital skills they need to thrive. We are proud to be part of the Digital Schools Awards European initiative which aims to help schools to use the power of technology to improve learning outcomes and the development of higher level skills in students.

Jelena Dragaš EdTech Center Western Balkan

21 July 2020
EdTech Center Western Balkan is an organization active in the field of digital technologies in education, gathered around the idea to improve the quality of education for all students from the Western Balkans in the 21st century. Joining the Digital School Award program and supporting its piloting in Serbia, together with relevant educational institutions, confirms one of our essential goals, which is to bring the world of education and technology together. We see a future where all young people have equal access to the highest quality of education where they can develop skills that will help them improve the quality of their lives and communities in the 21st century, therefore, we recognize it as essential to support schools on their ways of active integration of ICT into curriculum. Our work so far was aimed towards both educational staff and students, therefore, DSA initiative encompases our striving to support schools, as a whole, on their way to improve their digital skills and to be validated for their hard work.

John Hurley h2

24 July 2020
We are very excited to be part of this great European project that, we believe, will develop a new learning experience for many learners across Europe. It is important for us that the project will support teachers in their professional development by creating digitally focused training activities that responds to teachers’ needs.

Anna Doody Digital school awards european programme

29 July 2020
We are delighted to lead this exciting European initiative building, promoting and celebrating digital learning in schools.  A key strength is our unique collaboration with governments, education and the technology industry.  We believe by working together, we can better support schools and teachers to make the most of their digital capabilities.  Welcome to the community of digital schools in Europe!

Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport

Kakovostno digitalno izobraževanje je ključnega pomena za opolnomočenje učiteljev in učencev oziroma dijakov za prožno učenje in krepitev njihovih digitalnih veščin/kompetenc. V evropskem pilotnem projektu ‘priznanje digitalna šola’ spodbujamo in prepoznavamo primere dobrih praks. Na ta način šole in učitelji pridobijo zasluženo priznanje za vložen čas, trud in ustrezno izobraževanje, da bodo učenci in dijaki opremljeni s spretnostmi 21. stoletja.