SELFIE Digital Schools Academy

The SELFIE Digital Schools Academy is the latest initiative of the Digital Schools Awards European programme to accelerate and enhance sustainable digital education practices in European schools.

The SELFIE Digital Schools Academy (SELFIE Academy) aims to provide SELFIE assessed schools with an eco-system of digital education mentor supports and professional development resources around the themes addressed within the SELFIE self-reflection tool. These themes include Leadership, Collaboration and Networking, Infrastructure and Equipment, Continuous Professional Development, Teaching and Learning, Assessment and Student Digital Competences. The academy also explores how digital learning and teaching is being used to enhance STEAM education and remote learning in schools.

Schools that have been awarded digital school status through Awards4SELFIE are invited to join the academy as mentor schools.

Benefit to participating academy schools

30 post-primary schools from 4 countries, Slovenia, Serbia, Lithuania, and Ireland join the SELFIE Academy in September 2022. The project will provide support for social inclusion and equality by connecting these schools with mentor schools to enhance their digital practices.

Teachers can expect to gain valuable knowledge, support and mentorship to help their school’s digital action planning and development. The project will work with these schools as they embark on an innovation journey. Academy schools will be connected with innovative digital mentors in order to explore approaches before implementing or adapting them in their own setting.

Schools that complete the programme will receive recognition for their efforts and join a growing community of recognised digital schools in Europe.

Mentor Schools

Newly awarded schools taking part in Digital Schools Awards European programme join the mentor community of leading 21st century schools delivering excellence in providing skills for life, learning and work in a digital world.

Mentor schools have demonstrated excellence in one or more of the SELFIE areas or in STEAM or Remote Learning and are willing to share innovations and provide support and guidance to developing academy schools.

A list of mentor schools can be found on our map.

Academy Schools

Digital Schools Awards is partnering exclusively with Laois Offaly ETB in Ireland for the pilot phase which runs from September 2022 to March 2023. Nine secondary schools in LOETB have recently undertaken their school’s SELFIE self-review and established a digital action plan for the coming year.

Working with LOETB, each school will receive support and encouragement from mentor schools recognised under the Awards4SELFIE programme. They will also have access to the SELFIE Academy library of innovative digital teaching and learning examples shared by mentor schools.

Academy schools will be encouraged to apply for Awards4SELFIE, to share their innovative practices and stories and, in turn, join the growing community of mentor schools and teacher leaders across Ireland and Europe.


The SELFIE Digital Schools Academy project consortium of partners has a wide range of expertise. It consists of national ministries of education, school support agencies, university, project management experts and industry partners. The project is funded by Erasmus+ managed through the National Agency in Ireland, Leargas. Partners involved are;

Digital Schools Awards – Ireland

H2 Learning – Ireland

The National Agency for Education – Lithuania

Education Technology Center, Institute for Education Quality and Evaluation (IEQE) – Serbia

University of Maribor – Slovenia

Sord Data Systems – Ireland

Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development – Serbia

HP Inc. – worldwide

AMD – worldwide

To stay informed connect with us on twitter @awards4selfie.

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"Izobraževalni modeli se morajo prilagoditi, da bodo otroci pridobili veščine za ustvarjanje bolj vključujočega, povezovalnega in produktivnega sveta.

Svetovni gospodarski forum, Šole prihodnosti, Opredelitev novih modelov izobraževanja za četrto industrijsko revolucijo, 2019

Ann Marie hp

21 July 2020

HP is committed to helping young people acquire the digital skills they need to thrive. We are proud to be part of the Digital Schools Awards European initiative which aims to help schools to use the power of technology to improve learning outcomes and the development of higher level skills in students.